As a property owner or manager, you make a lot of decisions that affect a lot of different people. When it comes to the elevator, it’s your job to ensure everyone can get to where they need to be within the building in a timely manner. Perhaps you’ve never put much thought into it, but what type of elevator door do you need? The following are four different types and what they are each good for.
Single-Speed, One Direction
The single-speed, one direction door is one of the most popular and cost-efficient types of doors. Because it opens in just one direction, it’s perfect for a building in which there is more space on one side of the elevator than the other. The single panel gives it a seamless, clean look that some property owners simply prefer.
Single-Speed, Two Directions
The single-speed elevator door that opens in two opposite directions is another popular option. When you step up to the elevator, the two panels open from the center and move in opposite directions. This type of elevator door can work in pretty much any building, though it will need the storage space inside the wall to store both panels when they open.
Two-Speed, One Direction
What makes this door different than the single-speed, one direction, is it is made with two panels. Both panels move in the same direction, but the door opens a little more quickly because both panels are moving at the same time. The stacked panels make this a great door for freight elevators or those that need to save some space.
Two-Speed, Two Directions
When you take all of the aforementioned elevator doors and combine them, you get the two-speed, two-direction door. This door opens from the center, with the two doors moving in opposite directions. Each door is made up of two panels, so the doors open a little more quickly. These doors often open a bit wider, making them perfect for wide freight elevators or those that carry a large number of people.
Learning More
Whether you’re new to property management, or just looking into some new elevator options, contact the professionals at Keystone Elevator by calling 781-277-4655 or sending us an email today!